CS 6382.001.23F (Fall'2023) Theory of Computation
2:30-3:45pm MW, in classrom ECSN 2.126.

This course consists of two parts: Main Topics and Selected Topics

Main Topics

Theory of Deterministric Computation
Theory of Nondeterministic Computation

Selected Topics:

Theory of Parallel Computation
Theory of Probabilistic Computation
Theory of Approximate Computation

Contact Information of Professor

Office Hours: Monday 4:00 - 5:00PM
homepage: http://www.utdallas.edu/~dxd056000

Teaching Assistants: Wenting Wang

Office Hours: at ??
Online in Blackboard Collaborate
Email: wenting.wang@utdallas.edu


Ding-Zhu Du and Ker-I Ko:
Theory of Computational Complexity (2nd ed.)
ISBN-13: 978-1118306086
Published: June 2014


(* means 'sketch')

Preparation: String, Language and Class

Unit I (Theory of Deterministic Computation)
Lecture 1-1 Turing Machine (Sec. 1.1-2)
Lecture 1-2 Undecibality (Sec. 1.5-6)
* Proof of 2nd Rice Theorem if you'd like to read
* Lecture 1-3 Recursive Function
Lecture 1-4 Time and Space of DTM (Sec.1.2)
Lecture 1-5 Hierarchy Theorem

Unit II (Theory of Nondeterministic Computation}
Lecture 2-1 Time and Space of NTM (Sec.1.3-4)
Lecture 2-2 NP class (Sec. 2.1)
Lecture 2-3 Cook Theorem (Sec. 2.2)
Lecture 2-4 Proof of NP-hardness (Sec. 2.3-4)
* Read Me Logic Puzzle
Lecture 2-5 How to Find the Reduction?
Lecture 2-6 Polynomial-time Hierachy (Sec. 3.1-2)
Lecture 2-7 Complete Problem in HP (Sec. 3.3)
* Lecture 2-8a Characterization of PSPACE (Sec. 3.4)
Lecture 2-8b PSPACE-complete (Sec.3.5)
Read Me GO is PSPACE-hard

Midterm Exam

Unit III (Theory of Parallel Computation)
Lecture 3-1 P-size Circuit (Sec. 6.1-2)
Lecture 3-2 NC Class (Sec. 6.5)
* Lecture 3-3 Separating NC Hierachy (Sec. 6.6, 6.4)
Lecture 3-4 P-complete (Sec, 6.7)

Unit IV (Theory of Probablistic Computation)
* Lecture 4-1 Random Algorithm (Sec. 8.1)
* Lecture 4-2 Probabilistic TM (Sec. 8.2-6)
Lecture 4-3 Counting Class #P (Sec. 9.1-2)
Lecture 4-4 #P-complete (Sec. 9.2)
Lecture 4-5 Influence Spread is #P-hard

Unit V (Theory of Approximate Computation)
Lecture 5-1 Approximations for NP-hard Problems (Sec. 2.5)
Lecture 5-2 APX-complete (Sec. 11.4)
Lecture 5-3 Set Cover (Sec. 11.4) and Virtual Backbone in Wireless Semsor Networks
Lecture 5-4 Indepedent Set and Secure Scheduling for Barrier Covers

Final Exam

Homeworks and Examinations

There are 4 homeworks which will be given in Elearning.
There are two exams: Midterm and Final Exam. Schedules will be anounced in Elearning.

Homeworks have totally 40 points, two exams have totally 60 points.
Grades will be assigned according to the total number of received points:
A >= 85 > B >= 70 > C >= 50.

Letter from the Head of CS Department (note: Will be applicable currently)

"I want to welcome you to the Spring 2018 semester and wish you a very happy 2018. May you all make a 4.0 this semester. However, to reach that 4.0 you have to make sure that you attend all your classes. So let me take this opportunity to remind you that the CS Department observes rules for attendance that are strictly enforced: 3 consecutive absences result in a 1 letter downgrade and 4 consecutive absences result in an F. It is especially important that you do not miss classes at the beginning of the semester."