Joe's Guide to Running
MBone (nv/vat) Tools
With CU-SeeMe.

Last update: April 4, 1997

What you need to run nv/vat.

For nv (video) you need access to a grey-scale or color X-terminal and the nv built on a UNIX system. nv does not run on my black and white NCD xterminal.

For vat, you should be in close proximity to the UNIX box itself (usually the console is near the box), but you can run vat from any type of xterminal.

You can download vat and nv if they aren't already present on your system. Make vat and nv. They do not need to be installed, and you shouldn't need root privileges to run them.

If you happen to be on an HP and have an account on the UTDallas High Energy Physics farm, you can find an mbone/cu-seeme archive prebuilt for you on fester:


On fester, the nv and vat executables are in /home/grave1/joe/mbone/sd

Instructions for connecting to an
MBone-enabled CU-SeeMe reflector

A terser description is also available elsewhere.


Sound: Of course, you can't talk if your machine doesn't have a mike jack, and you can't listen if your machine doesn't have the hardware to play sound. On HP 735's, there is a mike jack (standard earphone jack) and a lousy internal speaker -- headphones are recommended. Don't forget that headphones can double as a poor man's microphone!

Note that nv/vat ports used in the example aren't written in stone. They just happen to be the ports that the UTD and CSU reflectors are configured to use.

Please email any corrections or clarifications you think are needed for these instructions. Happy video conferencing!

Comments to

Joseph M. Izen
University of Texas at Dallas
Mail Stop BE22
P.O. Box 830688
Richardson, TX 75083-0688

For Fedex, UPS, and other services that require a street address, use:
Joseph M. Izen
University of Texas at Dallas
2601 N. Floyd
Richardson, TX 75083

Phone: (214) 883-2598, Fax (214) 883-2848

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