This page is devoted to our non-academic writings on public policy and path-dependence/network externality theories. The current controversy in this literature that dominates all else is centered on Microsoft.

Click Here for academic and more advanced, detailed material.

First, an advertisement for our book:

Winners, Losers, and Microsoft: Competition and Antitrust in High Technology.

Available now from online booksellers and many brick and mortar ones.

Table of contents.

Introductory Chapter.

Analysis of Word Processor Market (from chapter 8).

Analysis of Spreadsheet Market (from chapter 8).

Does Microsoft charge monopoly prices?


 Here is a recent criticism of what can only be called an inept study conducted by the Consumer Federation of America on Microsoft pricing.

Click Here to read.

Here is an Op-Ed about the quality of Microsoft products, (Bill Gates Secret) that appeared in the October 1998 Wall Street Journal.

Click Here to read.

A Policy Analysis for the Cato Institute, the second half of which is an analysis of the Microsoft Case. This paper was published on Oct 27, 1998.

Click Here to read.


Next is the complete version of the article that Upside Magazine published in a somewhat condensed form in their September 1995 issue. This article is a rebuttal of the Reback White paper that seems to be playing an important role in the thinking of the Justice Department and the Courts.

Click Here to read.

In the Summer 1995 Issue of Regulation Magazine we published a critique of the way path dependence has been interpreted.

Click Here to read.

since 2/14/99