Project reports are due on Tuesday, March 21.  They should include the following information:


TOPIC/THEME:  You should identify a basic topic or theme for your essay.  It is not enough to say “Caudillos.”  This is a very broad topic that can be approached from numerous ways.  You should have a firm idea of how you will narrow broad topics and what approach you will take. 


SOURCES:  Primary documents should provide the basis for your formal essay assignment.  Your report should list at least three primary documents that you will use as a source for the essay. 


ARGUMENT:  Your report should clearly state what you expect your argument to be about your topic.  That argument should be based mainly on the primary documents, but should also consider information covered in class or in your textbook


ORGANIZATION:  You should demonstrate some attempt to organize the topic based on your argument and documentation.  The organization of your paper may also change between the outline and the final draft, but now is the time to begin thinking about how to organize the information.


The project reports should be typed and ready to turn in at the beginning of class on March 21.  Failure to turn in a project report will result in lowering of the essay grade by 10%.