Description of the variables from hypothetical HMO-HIV+ study shown in Table 1.1 of Hosmer, D.W. and Lemeshow, S. (1998) Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modeling of Time to Event Data, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, NY DISCLAIMER: This text has been downloaded from the following Wiley's FTP site: Data are in the file hmohiv.dat n =100 Variable Desrciption Codes / Units ID Subject ID Code 1-100 ENTDATE Entry date ddmmyr ENDDATE Entry date ddmmyr TIME Survival Time days between Entry date and End date AGE Age years DRUG History of 0 = No IV Drug Use 1 = Yes CENSOR Follow-Up Status 1 = Death due to AIDS or AIDS related factors 0 = Alive at study end or lost to follow-up