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Facts to Know for Unit 6

bulletSpeed of tsunami
bulletHeight of tsunami wave in open ocean and near shore
bulletGeometry (shape) of wind waves
bulletRelative wavelengths of different types of waves
bulletDifferences between deep-water and shallow-water waves
bulletRelationship between wavelength of waves and their speed
bulletRefraction of waves in shallow water
bulletMotion of water particles in deep-water waves
bulletCharacteristics of waves in storm-generating area
bulletFactors determining the size of wind waves
bulletWhat are "swell' and "sea"
bulletChanges in waves as they reach shallow water
bulletWhy do tides occur
bulletNumber of high tides in a tidal day
bulletCause of spring and neap tides; their frequency
bulletLength of a tidal day
bulletComparison of lunar and solar tides
bulletWhat are tidal bores; where do they occur
bulletCause of seiches; where do they usually occur