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Chapter 6: Priority Queues (Heaps)

Priority Queues (Heaps)
Minimum set of required functions:
: equivalent to Enqueue
: returns and removes minimum element
Use binary search trees?

Implementation: Binary Heap
Structure Property

Implementation (contd.)
Heap Order Property

Basic Heap Operations
: percolate up

Operations (contd.)
: percolate down

Other Heap Operations
Decrease_Key(P, d)
: decrease value of pth element by d
Increase_Key(P, d)
: fix heap using
percolate down
: remove node at position I
: build a heap containing n

Simple Implementation Better Implementation Running Time: (# of comparisons) + (# of assignments)

# of comparisons = O($\sum$heights of nodes)

= O(n)

Applications: Selection Problem
Find the kth largest/smallest element
Solution 1

Applications: Selection Problem
Solution 2

Leftist Heaps
Null path length(X): length of shortest path from node X to a node without two children

Npl(NULL) = -1

Npl(X) = min(Npl(right child), Npl(left child)) + 1

Leftist heap property: for every node X,
Npl(left child) $\geq$Npl(right child)

Leftist heap operations
Merge: recursively merge heap with larger root with the right subheap of heap with smaller root.

Time = O(sum of lengths of right paths)

= O(log n)

Leftist heap operations (contd.)
Insert: treat item as a one node heap, and merge

Delete_Min: remove root, merge two subtrees

Skew Heaps
For any m consecutive operations, time = O(m log n)

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Ravi Prakash