CS 4V95.003, CS 5V81.012.  Implementation of data structures and algorithms
Fall 2016;  Fri, Nov 11
Mandatory Project 4: Critical paths

Ver 1.0: Initial description (Nov 11, 10:30 AM).
Ver 1.1: Added sentence about using the last two nodes for s and t (Nov 18).

This is a mandatory project, to be done individually. 
Max excellence credits (EC): 1.0 
Only submissions before 1st deadline are eligible for EC.

Due: 11:59 PM, Wed, Dec 7 (1st deadline),  Thu, Dec 15 (2nd deadline).

Code base: Java library, mp4.zip
Do not use code from outside sources.

Project Description
Critical paths in PERT charts: Implement the algorithms discussed in
class for finding critical paths (DAGs representing projects).
Implement both algorithms for finding topological orders in DAGs that
were discussed in class.  Use the topological order given by the first
algorithm for computing EC and the topological order given by the
second algorithm for computing LC.

Input specification:
A directed graph suitable for readDirectedGraph() in the Graph class
is given, followed by the durations of the nodes.  A driver program to
read the input is provided.  Do not change the way the input is processed.
If the input graph has N vertices, the last two (N-1 and N) are dummy nodes
and are not incident to any edges in the input.  These two nodes are to be
used for s and t.  In your code, add edges incident to these nodes,
as discussed in class.

Line 1: Length of a critical path
Line 2: A critical path
Line 3: blank
Line 4: header of table (Task	EC	LC    Slack)
Next n lines: Task number, its earliest completion time, lastest
completion time, and slack.

The following additional output is required for students of 5V81 and
optional for CS 4V95:
Line 1: Number of critical nodes
Line 2: Number of critical paths (k)
Next k lines: one critical path per line.

The zip file contains a sample input file, and its expected output is
given at the end of that file.