Demo for 1-faced Phylogenetic Network Construction

This web page application implements 1-faced phylogenetic network construction algorithms described in the paper "New Algorithms for Constructing One-Faced Phylogenetic Network" by Ruogu Sheng and Sergey Bereg. We give a straightforward way to present the phylogenetic networks constructed by Algorithm A1 and A2 described in the paper. To make a comparison, we also implement the neighbor joining algorithm and compute the fit values of phylogenetic networks generated by these 3 algorithms. To represent the networks, we use both regular graghs and dendrograms. Some of the framework design comes from

The following diagram visualize phylogenetic networks generated by Algorithm A1, A2 and neighbor joining using graphs. The program reads the distance matrix from the panel as input. You can enter the numbers one by one, or fill the input panel randomly. To change the size of input matrix, type an integer in the bottom window and click "New input size" button. To fill the input panel with random numbers, click "Random data" button. To generate networks, click "Build networks" button to get the output.

Graph Representation

The following diagram use dendrograms, another commonly used way to visualize phylogenetic trees, to represent both phylogenetic trees and one face phylogenetic networks generated by neighbor joining, Algorithm A1 and A2. The buttons work the same as before.
