Finance 6360

Finance 6360 will meet on Tuesday evenings in MP 2.212 from 7:00-9:50 PM. During our first class meeting, on January 15, I plan to give a brief overview of the course. In addition, I plan to give a short introductory lecture concerning the value of hedging to corporations and the fundamental causes of several famous financial catrosphes that involved derivative financial instruments.

The required textbook for the course is the Fourth Edition of Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Instruments by John Hull. In addition, there will be a number of Journal articles listed on the syllabus. The assigned journal articles are available the McDermott Library. Alternatively, you can obtain a course packet which includes these journal articles at Alpha Graphics on Cambell Road, just East of Greenville Avenue (as you head East on Cambell Alpha Graphics will be on your left in between Wendy's and Benny's Bagels).

During the semester, I plan to make lecture notes, spreadsheet valuation templates, and detailed homework solutions to assigned homework available on this Webb location. Although some of this material is currently listed below, these materials will be revised extensively prior to becoming available here on the Webb page. I hope to make the lecture notes for the upcoming week available by Friday at 7 PM. As you might expect, suggested solutions for the required homework will be unavailabe until after the due date for the assignment.

Click on the highlighted file name to download the Course Syllabus for Finance 6360.

To Download Lecture Notes and Homework Solutions

Click on the highlighted file name to download the lecture notes and homework solutions listed below. Due to the inclusion of a significant number of formulas and equations in the lecture notes and homework solutions, these documents have been saved in a format which you may be unable to view from my Webb page. However, all of these documents can be downloaded to your PC. Once you have the document on your PC, you may examine the document visually using Word, Word Perfect, or other word processing packages and/or print out a copy for yourself. Due to a change in the format relative to the format used to create these documents, I apologize in advance for the fact that some of the original pages may require an additional page when printed out.

Lecture Notes (Lectures without a listed date are currently unavailable)

Homework Sets

Spreadsheet Valuation Templates

Homework Solutions