Fitting within agency requirements.

First, you will find that Microsoft Corp. has locked up the market as far as submitting your grant proposal to any agency you can name (unless you still use a typewriter for all correspondence; handwritten submissions are circular filed). If you don't own a copy of Microsoft Office, Bill Gates probably has you on a special list by now. Government and UTD forms are all in Word or Excel format. Get with the program (i.e. buy a copy of Office via UTD's site license)!

NOTE: actually, you can find other work arounds, and/or try the PDF versions of the forms, but many of them have glitches that eat your hard work, so again the Gates conspiracy theory appears to fit...

Read all agency instructions thoroughly. You don't want to be eliminated because you failed to paperclip your submission, or you missed a deadline, or you failed to submit the newly updated Page G7-F23 Modular Continuation Justification Page after June 10, 1904.

Each agency has its own stringent rules--treat them as IRON-CLAD REQUIREMENTS, not as suggestions. When in doubt, consult with ORSP or directly with the agency.

This page is under const construction. Last updated May 16, 2009, 8 a.m.