Citation:  Title:  Source or PDF file:
 Morgan & LeDoux (1999)  Contribution of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex to the acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear in rats.  Download PDF file.
 Herry et al.(1999)  Plasticity in the mediodorsal thalamo-prefrontal cortical transmission in behaving mice.  Download PDF file.
 Herry & Garcia (2002)  Prefrontal cortex LTP, but not LTD, is associated with the maintenance of extinction of learned fear in mice.  Download PDF file.
 Oyoshi et al.(1996)  Emotional and behavioral correlates of mediodorsal thalamic neurons during associative learning in rats.  Download PDF file.
   EXTRA READINGS (if you're interested):  
 Saul'skaya & Gorbachevskaya (1999)  The role of the hippocampal formation in controlling GABA release in the nucleus accumbens during an emotional conditioned response.  Pubmed citation.
 Maldonado et al.(1999)  Altered emotional and locomotor responses in mice deficient in the transcription factor CREM.  Pubmed citation.