Citation:  Title:  Source or PDF file:
 Thompson & Disterhoft (1997)  N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in associative eyeblink conditioning: Both MK-801 and phencyclidine produce task- and dose-dependent impairments.  Download PDF file.
 Power et al.(1997)  Power, J.M., Thompson, L.T., Moyer, J.R., Jr., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1997). Enhanced synaptic transmission in CA1 hippocampus after eyeblink conditioning .  Download PDF file.
 Moyer et al.(1996)  Trace eyeblink conditioning increases CA1 excitability in a transient and learning-specific manner .  Download PDF file.
   EXTRA READINGS (if you're interested):  
 Saar et al.(1998)  Reduced synaptic facilitation between pyramidal neurons in the piriform cortex after odor learning.  Download PDF file.
 Thompson et al.(1996)  Transient changes in excitability of rabbit CA3 neurons with a time-course appropriate to support memory consolidation .  Download PDF file.
 Moyer et al.(2000)  Increased excitability of aged rabbit CA1 neurons after trace eyeblink conditioning .  Download PDF file.